
Job Search: Think Like a Doctor, Part 1

“You get paid for what you cure.” Martin H. Fischer

Create opportunity
Understand employers’ needs
Remedy their problem
Employment offers!

Unemployment is up in many parts of the country. We all know it. There is stiff competition for each employment position advertised. What is a job-seeker to do?

Shift your thinking. Many a job-seeker is looking for an employer to solve his problems, to provide him steady income and benefits…and a pension would be great, too. But no matter how good a person you are nor how heavy your burden, employers don’t hire people because they are nice. Employers hire to fill a need. That need could be a gap in skill or manpower or knowledge.

Seek to Serve. Let’s assume that most doctors enter medical school with the intention of becoming healers. Sure, they probably also consider the earning potential, the prestige, and whether they’ll look good in scrubs. But most approach the considerable task of earning their MD with the intention of serving the health needs of others.

When looking for work, approach every job opportunity with the attitude of service. How can you relieve some of your future employer’s burden, make their business run more smoothly, save them time? Whatever their need, whatever their “problem,” seek to provide a remedy in order to earn your best chances at a job offer.

Think Like a Doctor, Part 2

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